02 May 2009



Holla... Tonite i had chance to write something on the wall.Almost 1 year i never had chance to write anything on my wall (http://paanmas.blogspot.com/) As a requested from my boo' (boo'suk) i would like to wrote something on the wall.This song "Home" everyone of us feel homesick when we far away from our comfort side (home).Me too..i feel it too.. But just one weeks left then you will back.let's the time do the talking and you my boo just keep on struggle till the end of time.Never put any give up for this session.Hold it tight.. i always be with you.You wrote quite well on the wall,but for me i had did early than you do.So i'll make sure when i made my come (get new pc) i 'll show you the hidden skills..(kerek ckit. hehehehe) i'm sure everyone of the reader know about the my boo syuk.Caring,happy,smilling and superbs.... hehehhehehe..(jgm marah yer bik) i miss denen to.. Dont Worry just a few days left then i'll pick you up and bring you Home..Be patient my dear... I'm tired already.. i need to stop.Later on.. i wrote more.. Daaaaa...

Thank You So Much..


~my room
~my feeling not very well :(
i- missed my old time
ii - missed my old memories
iii- missed my old moment
~ mac 2007

~ april 2007

~Jan 2007 vs Sept 2007

~wajah yang sama tapi situasi yang tak serupa



my room

~ rindu kat bapak...

~ rindu kat mak...

~ rindu kat rumah...

~ rindu kat denen...

~ rindu kat damia...

~ rindu kat hazril...

~ rindu kat halis...

~ rindu masakan mak...

~ rindu semuanya :(

~miss my home sweet home :(
~ tak sabar nak balik kampung...
~ rindu la nak balik kampung...
~ tak sabar nak tinggalkan upsi...
~ tak nak pikio apa2..
~ tak nak pikio assignment...
~ tak nak pikio proposal...

~ tak nak pikio final exam...

~ tak nak pikio pape lagi...
~ nak rest puas2...
~ xsabar nak balikkkkkkkkkk...

~ insyaallah 7hb malam aku balik :)
~ xmau duduk sini lama2 lagi...